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Connection to APIM using emails


It appears that Thales has 2 separate authentication services with Microsoft (one for thalesgroup and one for thalesdigital). If you enter a thalesgroup email, it will redirect to the wrong authentication service. You may use your thalesgroup email account on the thalesdigital authentication service though, but you have to find a way to force portal to use the good domain.

NB: I got the same problem with Azure Portal and JIRA, this solution shall work too.

Solution - Workaround

  1. Clear cookies from your browser (if you already failed at logging, the logging window won't open again as it tries to use the old cookie)

  2. Go to -> sign-in -> Azure Active Directory

  3. In the popup window, do not enter your email address !. Instead, click on sign-in options and select "sign-in to an organization" signin1 signin2

  4. Enter the domain name signin3

  5. Next window will forward you to the thalesdigital loging window where you can enter your thalesgroup email.

  6. You should be able to access the APIM portal now. In my case, it seemed to fail with the same error as previously for a few seconds but after a few seconds the page reloaded and everything worked out well, so be patient !